
Return a list of donations given using a specific donation keyword.

https://app.mojotxt.com/api/v1/{phone_number}/donations/export/{DonationID or Keyword}


Parameters are optional and can be sent in the URL querystring or as POST variables. Default values are in bold.

Parameter Options Description
StartTime Integer (UNIX Timestamp) Return transactions made on or after this time.
EndTime Integer (UNIX Timestamp) Return transactions made on or before this time.
Sort TransactionID, PhoneID, Amount, MerchantTxID, Timestamp
(If the GetPerson parameter is enabled, you can also sort by PhoneNumber, FirstName, LastName, Address, City, State, Zip, or Email.)
Sort the list by a field.
SortDirection ASC, DESC Sort Ascending or Descending
Limit Any Integer (None) Limit the results to a certain number of records.
Page Any Integer (1) If Limit is specified, return a certain page of results. The first set of results is page 1.
GetPerson 1, 0 Return donor's personal information (PhoneNumber, FirstName, LastName, Address, City, State, Zip, Email)

Transaction Fields:

Field Type Notes
TransactionID Integer A unique identifier for this transaction.
PhoneID Integer A unique identifier for the phone from which this donation was initiated.
Amount Number The amount of the donation, in dollars.
MerchantTxID String The transaction's ID, as returned by the payment service.
Timestamp Integer The UNIX timestamp for the time of the donation.
PhoneNumber* String The phone number (in international format) of the donor.
FirstName* String The first name of the donor.
LastName* String The last name of the donor.
Address* String The billing address of the donor.
City* String The city of the donor.
State* String The state of the donor.
Zip* String The zip code of the donor.
Email* String The email of the donor.

* Fields with an asterisk are only returned if the GetPerson parameter is set to "1".

Example Request:

GET https://app.mojotxt.com/api/v1/+16146827117/donations/export/8?GetPerson=1&StartTime=1428850531&Sort=Timestamp&SortDirection=ASC

Example Result:

"result": "success",
"timestamp": 1445810691,
"request": {
"phone": "+16146827117",
"object": "donations",
"verb": "export",
"id": "8",
"GetPerson": "1",
"StartTime": "1428850531",
"Sort": "Timestamp",
"SortDirection": "ASC"
"record_count": 3,
"records": [
"TransactionID": 1075,
"PhoneID": 730,
"Amount": 20,
"MerchantTxID": "100227054809",
"Timestamp": 1428850531,
"PhoneNumber": "+16145550001",
"FirstName": "Amy",
"LastName": "Testperson",
"Address": "9262 Main St.",
"City": "Columbus",
"State": "OH",
"Zip": "43210",
"Email": "atestperson@gmail.com"
"TransactionID": 1078,
"PhoneID": 44,
"Amount": 25.00,
"MerchantTxID": "100227055329",
"Timestamp": 1428851024,
"PhoneNumber": "+17405550002",
"FirstName": "Sally",
"LastName": "Raphael",
"Address": "2017 Jesse Ct",
"City": "Delaware",
"State": "OH",
"Zip": "43015",
"Email": "sally_jesse_raphael@the90s.com"
"TransactionID": 1088,
"PhoneID": 176,
"Amount": 320.00,
"MerchantTxID": "100227067127",
"Timestamp": 1428859058,
"PhoneNumber": "+16145551009",
"FirstName": "Travis",
"LastName": "McAwesome",
"Address": "1188 Awesome Way",
"City": "Lewis Center",
"State": "OH",
"Zip": "43035",
"Email": "mcawesome@gmail.com"